
Civilisation Américaine 6.03.12

During the war, women were encouraged to go to the university because a lot of men were gone for war. Once men came back to America, government propaganda machine was working. Women were then encouraged to stay at home, to clean and raise up the children. The American dream was promoted after the war ( having a TV, a car...). Some were excluded from the dream :

  • Between 1954 and 1962, government relocated many native americans, indians
  • Other people were excluded, many african americans and elderly people.
    Theis was the beginning of a king of rebellion as far as Black people are concerned. 1947 : Jackie Robinson ==> He broke the color barrier and he was drafted to play base ball, before it was segregated ( black and white teams were separated). They didn't have the same type of equipment and public support. He finally became very famous, the most valuable player and he was even in the national walk of fame for base ball. Executive order 9981 : disegregation of the army. Thanks to a lot of courageaous teachers and religious people, everything changed. 1951 : Rev Brown in Topeka, Kansas. Brown wanted her daughter to go to the Kansas school but she was black, her application couldn't be accepted. Many people were denied because of their color. Individuals got together to bring a suit against the educational system, the suit went to the Supreme Court and it was listed as " Brown Vs. Board of education of Topeka Kansas". Earl Warren was a newly nominated chief justiceand he was in charge of the case. He was nominated in 1952, the same year of the election of Dwight D eisenhower ( Republican). In 1957, Republican President Eisenhower sent federal troops into Little Rock, Arkansas to prtect 9 young black high school students. Orville Faubas, he tried to protect them with the local police. Some schools were closed to open private schools and black people couldn't attend. Rosa Parks= Montgomery, Alabama, 1 december 1955. She took the bus after work and she took the seat at the front, in the white section, not at the bottom. The bus driver told her to move. She did not. She was arrested. Martin Luther King Junior helped her, boycott of bus. It almost bankrupt the city bus system and in november of 1956, almost a year later, the supreme court issued a decision. KKK resurfaced ( see Norman Rockwell)

Disagreement about the eastern countries of Europe, especially after the war. Soviet union and the USA tried to save their own power. These 2 super powers avoided direct military actions. But, they used all their forces, all types of them. Truman wanted that people had free lections ( but buffer zone). Stalin closed everything from trade and here was the Iron curtain which talked aboutChurchill.

Great events showing the competition between the USA and the Soviet Union :

1947 = Marshall Plan. Rebuild

Soviet's reaction was the easter bloc countries.

1948 : Stalin blocked railways and routes to Berlin.

1949 : NATO

1945 : China, nationalist party lead by Chiang kai shek, mao zedong took over control ( communism was set up)

1955 : NORTH korean army invaded the south.

Americans ignored threat ( especially the one of the atomic bomb)

1953 : korea divided ( communism at the North).

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