
IPA 16.03.12

Through times, the definition of citizenship has changed and there is a modern way of considering this notion.

To be a good citizen: Respect the contract that someone has the society.

There is a Generational difference when we talk about traditional political involvement.

Does it sound possible for one perspon or a group of people to change things : Yes, there can be strikes for example.

Citizenship has changed and the American society had changed with the evolution of citizenship ( citizenship is different during the war for example).

Engin Isin is a political scientist and he's a specialist in citizenship. He stated that every age has a role to play in citizenship.

Here are two definitions of citizen :

- A legally recognized subject or national of a state of commonwealth.

  • One who owes allegiance to government and who is entitled to have a protection from it.

The citizen is fidderent according to his age :

Age 65-100 : good citizen ( they vote, they're honest, they follow the laws and they're respectful of the government).

42-65 : Same but a citizen needs to be active in the political changes ( by supporting a particular cause or person or by lobbying). This group of people will state that you need to make sure that a government holds its promises.

18 to late 30's : Most of the younger generations will say they're not interested in politics, they say it is a huge bureaucratic machine, that the average person has no control over.

Now, young generations are more involved in social and political causes : humanitarian charities.

Based on the descriptions of the generation, what does that mean ?

There are currently 2 opinions that are held :

  • The first view says that American democracy is at risk and it is due to the change of values.
  • New paterns of citizenship have emerged among the educated and also in other different sectors of the American society. Better level of life, more mobility, professional job opportunities, entry of women into the work force. There was also the development of technology.

Americans are better educated in the 50's, more people finish the 8th grade and high school diplomas.

2 definitions of citizenship because of social changes :

  • Traditional definition : Person who votes, pays taxes, who's patriotic, belong to a political or a civic group. Limited role, limited participatory role : This kind of citizenship is called duty-based citizenship.
  • Engaged citizenship :A person who has a role engaging in society even though this is not linked directly to voting.

Tocqueville traveled through the US. " Political activity must be seen to be understoood".

Political activity in citizenary : These 2 elements have to be mixed with attitudes and different oriented roles.

Political sociolization : It depends of the Family environment, the education, friends, media, gender, ethnicity and to what extent the person wants to participate to the political life.

Social citizenship : Participation is the key factor

Benjamin Barber : strong democracy : The people who are actively engaged in their communities are the people who are enabled by their own actions to have a direct voice.

Equality is one important value making part of citizenship :

1786 : Freedom of religion is advocated and also the Protection for women

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anthony : 2 courageous women, they standed up for the abolition of slavery, women's rights.

Clara Barton : Geneva treaty for the war prisoners.

Jackie Robinson : He broke the color barrier for baseball.

Clarence Earl Gideon 63 : He won

1 commentaire:

  1. Merci beaucoup de publier les cours d'IPA, je dois avouer que j'ai un peu de mal à suivre donc ça m'aide bien !
    Bonne continuation
