
American Civilization 14.11.11.

William Marbury was appointed to a Court by Adams and Jefferson refused to give his seat.

1803: Marshall refused Marbury's request meaning he appealed Jefferson's decision. He said Marbury was entitled to the post but a 1789 act was unconstitutional. No such right was given to the Constitution. Marbury petitioned the Court, the judge said " Marbury has the right for his appointment but due to a section of the judiciary act of 1789, it was unconstitutional, there is no such right that would force the President to give Marbury his position. It was the first time that the Supreme Court overturned a decision made by Congress. It is the concept of judicial review. This is a key principle concerning check and balances. The Surpeme Court assumed its role as the guadian of the Constitution ( judicial review). Jefferson's first time was fabulous ( feeling of being american). The second term was disappointing. There was a lot of pressure on Jefferson as far as slavery is concerned. Is it moral ? Legal ? Etc...a lot of questions were asked. Jefferson passed a bill through congress in 1807, he allowed slavery, their importations and the slave trade. It didn't say anything about slavery domestically. Women were more valuable, they could have babies, it was like one slave for two. It was a big business domestically. Jefferson was a large plantation owner himself. This law went into effect on January 1st 1808. 1805: Lord Nelson destroyed the French and Spanish fleet. At the time, Britain owned the sea and France controlled the european land.

  • Each nation tried to destroy one another by shutting off trade, seizing ships...this affected the USA's trade. When the British and France were fighting, Americans were there for trade. Until the British begin seizing american cargo ship, they took the american sailors, they impressed them. The French ships were smarter, they let americans come with their cargo. Thery seize the sips and cargos them and they sold the cargos. In 1808, war. The direct cause of this war was interference wirh American business shopping with the British navy and the other cause is the support fro British to Native Americans who continued to build farms, cities. Many americans saw the opportuniyu to rid Canada from the British. At that tima , America wasn't ready to find a war. June 1813/ Usa declared war. Most fo the ships werz cargos, not lilitary ships;Canada 12000 men in action

1815 ; Battle new orleans. Andrew jackson.With these battles, the native americans were let with no support, in 1816 the President was elected. Period of good feeling when it was James Monroe.Manufacturing replaces the shipping industry took over and the leading industry. There were 2 perople inventors Whitney invented the cotton gin ( machine

In a cotton ball a lot of steas, it was hard to innove. Those american engineers and he invented mecanical clocks. At the same time during Monroe 's term there were post war treaties with British, it established solid terrotirial boundaries. 1823 Speech of Monroe !! : He declared that the USA would not tolerate intertventions. Isolationism : through this, it was a changing the world order.The spanish empire was scrambling while the USA were more powetful. 1816 Monroe : slavery was the legal south and illegal north of the Ohio River. In 1819, Missouri, should it be a slave state ? Then all the USA would be with the num ber of inhabitants. The northern state representatives didn't want to...In 1820, there was a compriomise called the Missouri compromise. Missouri was admitted as a slave state. Maine was taken out of the state of massachussetts. But, one of the agreement was that Maine would be created and taken out of Massachussetts. FROM THEN ON, any western state admitted that into the union north of the line 36°30° latitude.

Slavery was a lot debated. Without slavery the south would not have been able to continue the plantation etc...All this farmer economy would have been stopped without slavery. Slaves relocated (100 000) between 1790 and 1810. Between 1810 and 1820 another 140 000 slaves were settled west. Slaves made plantations owner wealthy. Then, they had power locally. It influenced politics and even at the governental level. - Strategic land – acces to market – a cheap labor force. Slave life really dependend on where you werre and on the size of the farm. Most people, when they think about slavery, they think about horrible treatment of slaves but it is not in all cases. In many cases, owners had a couple of slaves with children. So, a lot of times, they lived together. They depended on one another. However on huge plantations, the slaves lived in very poor circumstances. There were slave quarters, the cabins were made out of wood and the floors made out of dirt. Slaves work in gangs and there was a slave driver who watched after the others. Black women raised up white children. There was always the matter of economics. There were sometimes uprisings but then there were punishments. After James Monroe, there was John Quincy Adams, elected in 1824 , he's democratic republican, he was the son of John Adams. His election was marked by corruptions and mudslinging. Hre had a running mate, Andrew Jackson. He was so disgusted by the political campaign that he left politics, he promised he would mouht a compaign to oust Adams. That's what he did. This worked. Jackson was devoted to public service, people, thought that national government should remain the pusher of economy? He supported and allocated money for many types of programmes and John Adams was also defending the individual rights and he was as well devoted to public service. The development if industry was imoortant for him.

1828: He was from Tennessee and owned many plantatiosn and so slaves. He was a gambler ( parieur), womanizer, big drinker, Code of southern honor, he embodied the new american spirit. He had two terms and 8 years of army.Started to serve in 1831. Push economic opportunities, elimination of native americans. Increase the voting rights of white men. Opened up the political process to every classes, every white men. Jackson's indian removal decision : Best place for them was out west.

5 tribes south :






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