
American Civilization 28.11.11

Stin boats : boats along the Mississippi for example ( very useful for trade).

There are several issues that were quite touchy. There were several movements that choked up the country religiously, culturally, socialy, politically... in the early 19th century. There was the Greater weakening and then there was a religious revival. There were a lot of political ups and downs. Many people looked to find order out of chaos, that's how there were several movements. There were reformers and many social problems appeared as there were many immigrants and a much more people crowded in the cities. We wanted to purify america to make america back on teack, how ? Through instauring a massive educational programme. At north, there was a rapid expension thanks to the industrial revolution and the middle classes banded together in the mid 1830's, they're the ones considered as the reformers. Among the social reforms, there was antislavery movements. There was the temparance movements, education reform movements and philosophy movements. The reformers think that before improving americans, the individual has to be purified himself. The 1830's were an era of reforms. There were different types of churches and in the baptist religion, there is like 1000 types of churches. The protestant's churches moved away. Instead, christians churches thought that god was a god of love ( protestant : hanger). The main topic was how to repent, it is tent revival. Many protestants'churches preached economic individualism. Wealth coulc be actually related to religion ( we have to remember why the USA was created). People had to be honest, hard-working and temperate : These people are called bible beaters. We thought about how would be managed the diversity of nationalities, religions etc...Education was the key : Improvement of the individual. People of good caracter would make a country of good caracter. In the early 1830's, americans drank a lot! Reformers believed that only americans who didn't drink were reformers. In the 1830's there was a lot of campaigns against alcohol. In 1834, There was 1, 250,000 in the American temperance society, it preached no alcohol. This movement encouraged the employers to sign a pact for their employees not to drink, it did work. There was also a lot of philosophy and education movements. There was a lack of education and for many people, this was the reaosn there were problems. By the 1850's, most of northern states had instaured a kind of free public education. Horace is a well-know educational reformer : He said that the education burden cost should be supported by the state, not by parents. He first advocated this free public education. He pushed the scholarship to last 10 months instead of 6 or 7. He also advocated for a text book that would be the same for all the state;, he oushed for it and for cimpulsory ttendants to reduce currency. It taught children unfirmity, how to be ponctual...mAIN GOAL : eradicate ignorance and sead unformity, good citizen. In the mid 1850, girls were discouragedto attendsschool, much mlire in the south. But, there was progreess in NORMAL SCHOOLS to become teacher, good wives and luls). Black people were not allowed to. Dorothea pix changed this and in 1841, she began an educational reform very different. She taught in prison...Gread she protedtes. Criminals separated from the other people wirh mentality diseases for example. Transcendentalism movement : It was spooned out up. Henry david thoreau : believed in a theory of the soil. He lived in Walden Pont is MassasHUSSETTS. hE LIVED FOR 2 years into the woods. He said that man turned himself in to a machine to earn money and without asking questions. He blaimed capitalism, protested against government. Any time, It had always links with money especially but also drugs sometimes. Speech : Civil Disobedience 1849 ( Disobey law or judge, used gy Gandhi, Luther King). Abolitionists : This movement wasn't very popular at all, mostly in the south : economic questions mostly. Abolishment of slavery ? There were fewer slaves at north but it prosperted as these was the inudstrial movements. Frederick douglas and Sojourner truth : douglas : slave that went to the north and married a white woman, he became a very great speaker to defend freedom and advocated the abolishment. There was another woman better known Harriet Tubman : she escaped at north via the underground railwoad. On reason why abolishness pull their weight. Virginia 1831 Nat turner : Slave that advocated insurrrection, army was called out. Ther famous case 1857: Dred Scott : famous law case, begun in. Dred scoot was the slave, docteur emerson dies, dred was his clave. At this point, he petitioned in a court to be a free man then. The Supreme's court didn't accept the request because he was an african american. Dred got attention but the position of the court was clear. Between the years 1840-1861, there were thousands or hundreds of slaves who were helped to freedom through the Mason-Dixonline. Ohio was probably the most active in the underground railraod ==> This was a network of anonymous people, black and white who helped slaves to freedom. Slaves were trying to go to Canada, for them it was the land of freedom it was the promise land. The abolishonists used the religious atmosphere to promote slavery as a sin. Harriet Tubman was born and raised in Maryland, where she had been a slave also. She risked her life and went back south, she saved as much individuals as she could. When the civil war broke out, it was too dangerous however. The abolishonists used the language of revival. Slavery was the main thing that woulkd make south and north divided. Another issue divided the country ( George Wahingtonn predicted it talking about separatism) : USA's involvement out west ( Mexico). In the 1840's, many people had moved out west ( for a better life or the promise of land). In the north west, Britain and the US had occupied this territory but in 1846, a treaty was signed that divided the terrotiry at the 45th parallel. But, it got the British really out of the territory. Between 1840 and 1846, many people attempted to go out west for the promise of free land ( Oregon, 6 months trip). When you have 60 000 adults, the territory could bacome a state. But, 10 000 people died due to the long journey ==> starvatrion, dideases, indian attacks. In 1848, gold was discovered in the american river and it was east from san francisco. So, there were several years of miugration to San francisco, people wanted to " strike it rich". The US government didn't miss an opprtunity to turn a buck. Other tensions : american relationships with mexico : 1821: independance of mexico from spain. Many people, in general and especially businessmen, began settling in Arizona etc... By the year 1835, there were more than 30 000 americans and approximately 3000 slaves in the mexican territory and texas area. At the time, there was a gentleman named General Antonio lopez of santa ANNA. In 1836, They declared himself independant from Mexico : they were the Free republic of texas. Battle of Alamo : " remember the alamo"==> values : duty, sacrifice, honor. Texas : annexation to the USA. 9 years after, may 1946 : watr between USA and mexica, it lead to a treaty in 1848. It gave the USA over 500 square miles. With this treaty, USA received land and in return, Mexican government was paid 15 million dollars ( in gold) and Americans petitioned against mexicans and they were dropped. The Mexican war a perfect example of Manifest Destiny ( to go west). 1850 : The compromise. When california petitioned to become a state, the issue about slavery came out again. The congress came to a decision that had for goal to balance needs between the south and the north. California would be a free state but with the condition that pther new states ( new mexico, utah) could decide if they wanted to use slavery or not. At the same time, there was the Fugitive Act. This was to assist slaveners to recover slaves even in free states. Between 1850 and 1860, failure of political compromise. The government wasn't supporting slavery but it didn't n condamn it. Harriet Beecher Stowe published a book Uncle Tom's cabin ( about slavery). After reading it, they were still pros and cons people. Most slave owners said it was propaganda. A gentleman named Abraham Lincoln became a political candidate, he was opposed to slavery. He participated in the presidential campaign. As he was known on his views about slavery, slaveners were hangry.

Because all of these tensions, usa was going closer and closer to war. This is what happened.

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