
American civilization 3.04.12

Jimmy Carter was known as an humanitarian. Ronalg Reagan was inaugurated President then ( 20th january 1980). There were international tensions. People very liked him very much above all because he was an actor. There were 42 hostages who were released from captivity in Iran. This was like a slap in the face to Carter. Carter was known to change plans, peopke were tired of this. Americans were experiencing higher pourcentages of dovorce rates, there was prematrimonial sex. There was a lot of single parents and a lt of drug's use. This was the seventies. There was a decrease of living standard and a decrease of religious believers. More women with highers pays, and more African women working too. Increase in open sexuality. Music : Genesis, Rolling stone.It was the Preppy era. There was the Disco era. There was also a new conservatism. There was a kind of nostalgia of the 1950's. There was a lot of watter beds. 1970's : yellow smiley faces. He was nicknamed the teflon President.

Ronald Reagan : He became the spokesman for general electrric campany. 1966 : He won the position of California's governor. Then, he woin the presidency to restaure America's prestige. Xhen he was young, he embraced the conservatism. He took 3 decisions to make America back non track :

  • revive the economy
  • cut back on social welfare programmes
  • restaure traditional values helf by conservative christians

He said " Government isn't the solution to our problem, Government is the problem". It was called reaganomics. There were heavy taxes. Capitalism : Deep cuts of wasteful spendings for the government, these revenues would make the finances more balanced. Unemplyment was 9 or 10%. Businesses were failing. A lot of peopled elcared bankruptcy in the 1980's. Reagan cut back on many social pretsations.

Jonh Henkly Junior.

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