
19.03.12 civi

Kennedy had established a peace cour programme which tried to set up international relationships with other countries. He also wanted to lauch the space programme to compete with the Russian one. On May 5th, 1961 Alan Strepand was laucnhed into space and in April 1961, it was the turn of Yuro Gagarin. Kennedy's domestical policy was not that great but his foreign policy was great.

1961 : Bay of Pigs, first international crisis.

1965 : Fidel Castro took over control in Cuba. There was a proximity with USA and that created a fear. He promised to help Cuba's poor who had been exploited especially by wealthy Cubans abd by American investors. Castro took over private propreties including a lot of corporations which were Americans and he developped relationships with the USSR. After USA refused to aknowledge Castro as the legitimate President of Cuba, US officials feared that Castro became an example for other countries to revolt.

1947: CIA

Americans wanted to overthrown Castro's government ! They prepared something by enroling the Clever Cubans who were also against the Cuban government.

April 17, 1961 : Complete disaster and Castro was able to stop the troups coming.

April 18 1961 : Krushschev : He said that the USA had to stop these agressions towards Cuba or USSR would probably intervene.

So, Kennedy cut his losses and accepted the defeat.

December 1962 : American companies paid Castro a randsome in food and drugs ( 50 million dollars) and gave also 3 million dollars cash. Americans did this because some were kept as hostages in Cuba.

Thye questioned Kennedy about his leadership and wondered how the USA were going.

June 1961 : They met with Krushschev and it was a fiasco, Kennedy felt bullied in front of the Soviet leader.

Since Berlin has been divided into several parts, things were always temporary, there were the East and the West Germany.

Cuban missile crisis : 1962

Oct 14 1962 : U-2 Planes

Kennedy knew there was a direct danger

USA promised a " guarantine", a no invasion promise.

Nov 22, 1963 : Kennedy was shot and died.

Chief justice Earl Warren : The warn commission, it came to the evidence that he acted alone and that he was taking revenge for Americans. Because of this finding, a lot of conspiracy theory began, Americans didn't believe it could be as simple as this.

Kennedy's vice president : Lyndon B. Johnson : He found himself President, he was shocked. Johnson had spent the most of his life in politics. He set up many domestic programmes.

July 2nd, 1964 : Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, it was signed into law. He forbade racial discriminations and especially in public places.

1965 : The Voting Rights Act. This was passed to ensure everyone to be able to vote.

Lydon was elected for the first time as a President : 1964, 61% of the votes. During these 4 next years, he passed many major decisions. He was able to ^pass a 12 million dollar tax cut, this was done specifically to stimulate the economy. Legislations to aid school !food stamps :

Greatest thing that he did : Passed the Medicare and the Medicaid bills ( 1965). Medicare was a programme to help elderly : Low insurances for example.

Immigration Act of 1965 :

Marches and demonstrations organized by Marthin Luther King Junior, many protests in the 1960's : Sittings

1 commentaire:

  1. Salut!

    SOS...je suis l'un de les etudiants etrangeres et je besoin de touts les cours ecrites pour Institutins politiquea americaines!

    mom email c'est cosminpeneoasu@yahoo.com....si vous pouvez m'aider

    MErci beaucoup a tous!
