
American civilization 10.10.2011

French people were called Acadiens ( Port Royal)
French and Indian war : A seven years war and there was a treaty of Paris : French gave up its lands, almost all of them ( Mississippi mainly). France retained 2 small islands : There was an agreement with England so that France could not bring forts around ( Saint-Pierre et Micquelon). France gave up lands like Louisiana to the Spanish. France gained Guadeloupe in return. In 1763, King George made a proclamation : in this decree, he said that people could not pass the line. He didn't want the colonists to spread out, there wouldn't be any way of controlling them after. But, there were more and more colonists, they needed more space. After the french v. Indian war, British had a lot of debts. British colonists had to pay according to the British government. However, they didn't want. After, Colonists were prospering while British were going through an economic depression. Upon to 1763, colonists didn't have a strict government or a strict ruling. British let the colonists do what they want because they received avantages of it ( money). But, colonists worked with weak legislative control and things changed, Britain needed money. It sent British legislative representants to the colonists. They thought freedom would make the economy better. Britain infered in the local commerce... Colonists were going to be controlled. Britain became to impose several taxes to pay for its debts. Before, they never had to pay taxes ( revenue-raising taxes). A lot of the colonists felt victimized. Many thought that it was a violation of their natural rights and a violation of the British Constitution to tax a man without its conscent. For Britain, it ws actually a question of virtual representation, they were virtually represented at the Parlement, represented by people they didn't elect. The first tax was the Sugar Act of 1764, it was tax of sugar imported from the west. Currency Act 1764 : it forbade colonists to print paper money, everything had to come from the British crown. Quartering Act 1765 : colonists who had romms or houses had to feed British troups if necessary. Stamp Act 1765 : For the american colonists to pay a tax on all legal documents or printed materials ( such as newspapers). Colonists rebelled by boycotting the Act by refusing goods or services that required a stamp. British merchants were loosing business consequently. A lot of British tax collectors were tarred and feathered. With those acts, British parliament negated the Stamp Act ( 1766), it was reappealed. British let the colonists lead their things. In 1766 there was the Declaratory Act. Local government could make laws but the final sentence was for London. Townshead Acts of 1767 : required the colonists to pay import duties on tea, glass, lead, oil,paper and printer's ink...This increased smuggling from other British representative. This lead to more British troops in Boston. Thery had to be fed and housed, many people were angry. In 1770, the tensions raised up. ( Boston massacre : 5 persons killed). British reppealed the Townshead Act exept for the tax on tea. By 1773, tensions were still very high but things remained relatively calm. The British government was trying to take measures to save the East India tea company from being banqueroute. It gave them monopoly of tea trade to this company. That meant thet the colonistss could only buy tea from one source. On December 16. 1773, Samuel Adams was known as a trouble maker. Him and his collegues rebelled and destroyed 3 ships in Boston's harbour. They destroyed these tea cargos. They put the tea into the harbour, the water. That's why we call this event the Boston tea Party. In 1774, Britain imposed the Coercive Acts: Ther were several consequences for the colonists :

  • The harbour in Boston would be closed.
  • A new form of government is oganized by British officils in Massashussetts
  • Troop quartering
  • No town meetings or gatherings
  • British officials could have trials without juries
  • More troops were sent to Boston

1774 : First Continental congress : Boycott of British products by evryone. They also decidedto write a letter of grivance
1775 : Battle of Concord : Colonists didn't want to waint to begin a massive arms and train.They began collecting limitary supplies. In Concord, they stocked all of this.

British troops were sent by military commanders to destroy immunitions. In lexington,they let the minute men.

In 1775, after what happened in Lexington and Concord, there was an emergency in Philadelphia...12 representatives of the colonies ( second continental congress met) met from the 13 colonies exept for Georgia. They were going to adress revolutionary war aims. They elected the Commander in chief of the continental army ( George Washington). In the same year, there was the Bunker Hill and the colonists and the minute men won, it gave psychological force to the American colonists againsts Birtish. They sent a letter, a petition of peace to King George and he refused to read the letter.

In 1776 Thomas Paine came. His pamphlet united the colonists it was a direct assault on thewbolde idea of government by Kings and aristocrats. " What good were kings ? of more worth there's one honest man to society, in the site of god, then all the crowned ruffians that ever lived".

Spring 1776 : Continental congress sent delegates to France for a request of aid. At hte same time, France and Spain had been conspiring against Britain. All americans owe their liberty to France.

In the early summer, Thomas jefferson ( frol Virginia, very well-educated)wrote a document that changed the life of colonists. Several delegates, in june, that got together to suggest a document that declared a kind of independance ( 5 men). He believed in small government, on local gov. He wrote the declaration and it wasaccepted direclty. This document contained ideas and concepts ( of natural law) from philosophers, hobbes, Rousseau Montesquieu and Locke. Natural law is the idea of limiting government's powers, social contract ( respect the right to life for people, idea of conscnent of the govenrment). This dcument dealt also with the separation of powers. It announced popular sovereignty, equality, a " new nation"...delcaration : Not " States of Aeraica" but " United States of America". ( American revolution : sheet). This revolution announced also the creation of a society where equality and democracy are advocated. There were the articles but they were not ratified completely before 1777. ( 1781). The articles didn't precise the type of government there would be etc... With the articles, colonists managed to get by even after the war. If the colonists wanted the independance, they would really have to fight. At the same time, Britain didn't want to let the colonies let go without a fight ( let's remember that colonies were very lucrative). GB thought it would be easy to crush the colonies :

  • Because Britain was the most powerful empire in the world
    • Britain had the richest economy
    • Britain had the largest navy
    • Experinced military
    • USA : no real government, no real navy, army ...etc...
Brtitain was peaching the native americans to the colonists. In the colonies there were still people being proud of their British origins.

Gorilla army : the continental army
Declaration of Independance
Minute men :
Minutemen est le nom donné aux membres de la milice des treize colonies qui jurèrent d'être prêts à combattre dans les deux minutes.

Red coats :
Red coat or Redcoat is a historical term used to refer to soldiers of the British Army because of the red uniforms formerly worn by the majority of regiments

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