
American Civilisation 3.10.11

There was a second permanent English settlement with the Mayflower. These people who came were persecuted in Europe so they decided to come to America. William Penn : founded Pennsylvania, Roger Williams ( religious freedom) . In 1692, there were the Salem witch trials. There were 90 men and women convicted to be witches and they were killed. Theere was a political controversy. There were several groups of people who wantedthe power. 2 towns were in competition. But, Girls started to have convulsions etc...That became more important than the political affairs. Lot of explainations were not possible, some said that people had hallucinations because of LSD. At this time, it was very important because the society was very puritan. It was scary for them. Today, scientists credit what happened in Salem as convulsion ergot. In 1950, there was the same thing in France with bread. By 1690, American colonies started developing very rapidly. New immigrants came for financial opportunity etc...They could not escape British influence, even in America, more than 60% of the people in the colonies came from Britain. All the British culture was dominating the colonies. Colonies kept four main british principles in their culture ( see sheet). British colonies were very lucrative for Britiain. The spanish colonies focused in the silver mining in the western area whereas the british colonies diversified their economy ( French focused mainly in the fishing trade). Indeed, British had a diverse economic stability thanks of a diverse culture ( rice, tobacco, farming) and trade. England loved the American colonies because colonies were great buyers of english products and colonies were suppliers of food and raw materials. The British believed in mercantilism : Economic system where a country based on trade tries to export more than it imports. The Navigation Acts of 1651 were a series of law that limited or eliminated non-British shipping activity or trade. Several Acts were passed by the British Parliament. Thanks to the Act, there was no concurrence. Even though the boat was not English, the crew had to be half English. It was a way of control, of economic control. This principle explained how a country could increase its wealth and therefore its power. This is why in the British colonies, they had local British representatives who passed laws especially. As long as they were getting economic benefits, the British government had really its hands-off from the colonies. Colonies were a solution to empty the prisons in Britain also. Why did the British government allow its colonies such freedom in governing themselves ? There is a tradition of strong local government and weak central power. Moreover, most of the colonists were proud to be British citizens. Finally, as a third reason, we can say the economic situation and the politics of the colonies were the interests of Great Britain. They used the colonies for their finacial situation. Wen can add that the distance made the control of Great Britain on the colonies quite difficult. Then, it was expensive to have colonies and anyway, colonies were a successas they were lucrative. Things were working well. Everyday life in the colonies : Poeple were promised land, financial independance...and actually, it was not as rosy as they were told. Sometimes, there was even a lot of misery. By 1750, 90% of the occupation was agricultural. By the early 1700, there was a social distinct order, some found themselves as English, not American. Puritans were very conscious of the social order : money, origins. In the early colonies, many thought we were not created equal. Williamsburg has a typical english architecture. Everyday life in the colonies : For one to be considered wealthy ( to have an economic clout ( poids)), it was about land. In early America, women had duties : the household. English common law gave women a few rights even though they were considered as properties. Men controlled the family property, families were large, 10 to 22 children. More children you have, more land you can have, more animals you can raise. Women were producing children but just a few survived. In the 17th and 18th centuries, education consisted in religious training. Girls were not educated, not academically, they didn't read. They were taught how to be a good housewife. Cloting was a way to distinguish the classes. The gentry were the wealthiest, they usually had people to work for them ( wig was a sign of power) For less rich people, men : simple kind of trousers, women : long dresses. But, no matter your class, there was room for everyone in America. St Jean de Crevecoeur wrote a book about America ( see sheet). But, in spite of the egalitarian image that was showed, people didn't have the same chances in America. There was slavery from 1676 apprximately for 100 years( see sheet). By 1750, one man out of 5 was an African slave in the colonies. There were about 400 000 slaves. In Georgia and Carolina, there was a geart need of slaves. In spite of the caprin=cious weather, Africans survived there. Some slaves were masons, furniture builders....Without slavery, colonies wouldn't have been successful. Independant thoughts on the road to revolution : BY 1732 : Georgia was created. That's where a lot of debtor's colony were sent. Definition of colony, sheet. Most of the American colonies were settled the King, it was land grands ( lands given by the King). The Great awakening :Many people felt there was not a need to organize churches. Little by little, people lost their faith, priests though they were separated from the church. religious freedom. John Edwards preached about the wages if sin. It was a challenge for him, for the social and political order. New immigrants came. He was a worry for British authorities. British and french tensions in the New World.

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