
Civi américaine 30.01.12

Grandfather clause : Certain states passed laws to prevent American Africans from voting. They instaured new taxes for them not to be able to vote ( as they had to pay to vote).

1830's ==> News laws instaured in Massachussetts. Durant these same years, there were several fears and especially the one that African American communities could do political and ecoomic damages to the white community. In order to keep the black community "in its place", there was the fear of lynching ( with the KKK). 1896 : Plessy V. Ferguson ==> dealing with separations. A gentleman was an African American, he refused to seat in the black section and he was arrested. After this affair, a new admentment was born : The 14th admendment : Separation facilities were okay as long as they were equal. ( Manifest Destiny here again). It was influential in the imperialism game during these years. Then there was an economic crisis ( 1893), Cleveland was the President, he was socially oriented. He had a very conservative platform to get the country back on its feet ( Republican). Domestically, the situation was difficult. 1897 : USA went interwar with Spain : This is the Spanish American war. It put the USA in a deep depression. It proved also that America was no little country. USA, by this war, wanted to protect its overseas trade market : tobacco, sugar...Everyboday wanted this war in the USA but not the President. Everybody talked about this war in the newspapers. Two men were interested in this war : They were captains of industry : William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer. The reason for getting involved was to liberate Cuba from Spain. Spain was desperately trying to hold on its overseas territory and particularly this one. However, Cuba wanted its independance. Frederick Remington ==> American artist ( I furnish the paper and you furnish the war) . Manipulations. Officially the war began after the "Maine" ( the navy battle ship which was in front of Havana, he mysteriouely exploded in January 1897). It was a problem of combustion, there was no attck but it was discovered later. In April, the war was declared. Volunteers were called, they were known as the rough riders. After fights, Spain accepted the terms of the protocole, it was signed on August 9th 1898. There were only about 379 dead persons ( from fighting). Over all, the American losses were 5462 men (from sicknesses). 1902 USA governed Cuba. Cuba accepted not to make any treaty with a foreign power, USA withdrew from Cuba. US reserved the right to internvene in Cuba and also accept a military area there, Guantanamo. 1908 : Problem with pacific empire. Roosevelt was a military from Cuba. He was congratulated by the republicans, they conviced him to take the post of vice-president. Washington Booker T : Defended the rights of Black Americans.

Panama Canal ( lead by Ferdinand de Lesseps), a new country was called Panama. USA gave 10 million dollars to each governor and to Panama to have the right to use the Canal finished under president Wilson. Theodore Roosevelt believed that monopoly was good as long as it was regulated. Pure food and drug Act.

Develoment of big industries. Expansions of cities etc...Middle class gained a lot of power politically. Populism. The progressive movement : People could participate to corporations and it was also a movement of reforms during an era where there was a new exiting sense of changes. Industrialization. Women began the movement, they wanted to remedy to social ills of society or industrial capitalism. They pushed for the right to vote for women, they pushed their right to work.

Populist woman : Jane Addams : Social worker. Irish woman : Mary Mallon, she was a cook, she was a genetic carrier for typhoid. So, many people were sick...It was a public scandal. Schools changed also, became more receptive to reforms. Roosevelt said that big business is ok if its regulated. The Muckrakers. They had effects on the American people ...Due to corporations being exposed by members from pro active movements especially, impose their own moral standards on the urban population. Moral traps that would encourage bad behaviours. Anti prostituion laws. Many people in the progressive movements.

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